Academic Homepage
A Bibliography of the Works of Alasdair MacIntyre
Primary Bibliography
Secondary bibliography
Online Articles & Resources
Did Benedict XVI Take a Page Out of MacIntyre's Book?
A light in these dark ages (a completely revised version of the above article)
Second Spring - Beyond Secular Reason ~ Some Contemporary Challenges for the Life and the Thought of the Church, as Seen from the West by Javier MartÃnez Archbishop of Granada
FTs - The Achievement of Alasdair MacIntyre by Edward T. Oakes
FTs - Review Essay ~ Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues and The MacIntyre Reader by Gilbert Meilaender
Symposium on "Living Alone Together"
After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntryre - Notes by Dr. Ronald C. Arnett
Introductory Ethics by Alasdair MacIntyre ~ After Virtue, Chapter 4 & Chapter 5
About 'AfterVirtue' by A. MacIntyre
Theological reflections on MacIntyre's After Virtue
Foundational Ethics: A Look at Alasdair MacIntyre's Ethical Views
Richard John Neuhaus on Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair MacIntyre
A commentary on Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair MacIntyre
A review of Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need The Virtues
Great resource! I recently picked up MacIntyre's After Virtue. We'll see when I get to it! I want to attend to it soon, though.
I'll be sure to return to this link once I am reading his stuff.
Eric, make sure you read Whose Justice? Which Rationality? and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry as well... there's definitely a development from AV through WJWR to TRVME.
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