Sunday, October 16, 2005

More William T. Cavanaugh

Piggy-backing on David Jones' excellent post of Cavanaugh resources below, I wanted to add a few more from some of my own blogging circles, if y'all don't mind:

At this year's Ekklesia Project conference, my friend Charlie Pardue does a good job of summarizing Cavanaugh's paper entitled "The Empire of the Empty Shrine." Charlie recorded Cavanaugh's presentation, and you can listen to an MP3 of his talk followed up with a Q&A session here. Another summary with thoughts added are found here on my friend Kaz's blog:

EP Gathering: Session One Recap

I transcribed the Q&A session from the above talk with William Cavanaugh and added my own thoughts here:

Cavanaugh on the false communitarian["sectarian"]/public dichotomy

Kaz blogs on William Cavanaugh's Theopolitical Imagination, a book that Kaz told me is "the best book I've ever read":

Been Indoctrinated Lately?

Inside the Corporation: Prologue (ties into a previous post on the documentary The Corporation)


Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Wow, thanks for this post Eric!

Eric Lee said...

You're welcome, David -- my pleasure :)