Sunday, October 16, 2005

William T. Cavanaugh

Academic homepage

Sojourners - When Enough is Enough - Why God's abundant life won't fit in a shopping cart, and other mysteries of consumerism.

Capitalism - Consumption, the Market, and the Eucharist

Several great articles of his are hosted on the Jesus Radicals website.


"Terrorist Enemies and Just War"

100 Christian Ethicists Challenge Claim That Pre-Emptive War on Iraq Would Be Morally Justified

Violence, Religion and the State

Cardinal Pell and the Theology of the Nation State (a transcript of an ABC radio interview with Dr. Cavanaugh as one of their guests)

Torture and Eucharist
Political Theologies

FindArticles search for ""William T. Cavanaugh""

Overturning the Gospels - a post over at Being! Or Nothingness

The New Orthodoxy?

a new series entitled The Christian Practice of Everyday Life
In exposing some of the false theological imaginings of modern politics, I hope to give hope to the reader that the iron cage of modernity does not inevitably hold us in its grip. I focus on the Eucharist as an alternative imagining of space and time which builds up a body of resistance to violence, the body of Christ. This is a body that is wounded, broken by the powers and principalities and poured out in blood offering upon this stricken earth. But this is also a body crossed by the resurrection, a sign of the startling irruption of the Kingdom into historical time and the disruptive presence of Christ the King to the politics of the world. - William T. Cavanaugh

1 comment:

Eric Lee said...

Wow, great resource. I hadn't seen a few of these pieces before.

