Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Catholics and Contraception - An American History

Books and Culture has a couple of interesting book reviews this week. Their lead-off article is on the importance of chastity entitled Sex and the Single Christian. They then give a review by the title of Community and Conscience on the book Catholics and Contraception - An American History. Where should I begin? It's amazing to me the "blind-spot" that many Protestants, not to mention, Americans have on this subject. This article makes a good argument that Catholics in America are more American than Catholic. I would suggest that they first read Humanae Vitae. This document was prophetic in so many ways about the "Culture of Death." From there I would move on to reading the The Theology of the Body by JPII and/or the work of Christopher West or Steve Kellmeyer. I specifically addressed this issue of contraception in an earlier post "He Taught Us Who We Are by Dr. Janet Smith" I highly, highly recommend people listen to Contraception: Why Not and then pray about this urgent topic.

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