Tuesday, April 12, 2005


From Carl Olson

Fr. Richard McBrien hired as consultant to "Da Vinci Code" flick

From Sandra Miesel, this note that the Spring 2005 edition of Notre Dame Magazine reports the following:

"The Producers of the upcoming movie version of THE DA VINCI CODE have hired Father Richard McBrien, Crowley-O'Brien Professor of Theology to consult on the script. Tom Hanks has been signed to play the lead character, who in the best-selling novel airs a number of provocative theories, including that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalen and His divinity was fabricated centuries after He lived." Sandra observes: "The capitalized 'He' looks droll in the context of its sentence." Perhaps some folks at ND, including Father McBrien, are still conflicted over reports that Jesus may have indeed been divine. I'm not sure why Father McBrien would be hired to help with the script. After all, as this notice points out, the novel emphatically denies the divinity of Jesus, gets very little right about the Catholic Church, and spends much time condemning Church leadership and authority.

Oh, nevermind—I just answered my own question.

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