Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Max Weber Goes Global

This is the title of Michael Novak's newest article in First Things (April 2005). Unfortunately this article is not available on-line yet until next month. When it's posted I shall alert you. For the non-subscribers to FT, the magazine is on the print-stand currently. It's an interesting article and one that I recommend. He gives a short history and an analysis to Weber's classic book, The Protestant Ethic and the 'Spirit' of Capitalism. To supplement some of the themes that is laid out in Novak's article (outside of his own books or numerous articles), I would refer you to the two books of John E. Tropman.

The Catholic Ethic in American Society: An Exploration of Values

Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Community

A non-Catholic, but multiple Pultizer Prize winner for his commentary over the years is Thomas L. Friedman. He has written numerous articles and three books on the issue of globalization, which I recommend. His books are clearly presented on his homepage. He is a regular on the major networks including NBC's Meet the Press.

I encourage a discussion on these topics.

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