Thursday, April 14, 2005

Progressives, Moderates, Neocons: Notes Before the Conclave

by Sandro Magister

On one side, Ratzinger, Ruini, Bergoglio, Scola with their proposal for a new “Papal Revolution.” On the other side, the list of their opponents, with Tettamanzi as the man for all seasons...


Unknown said...

"Neoconservative" seems to me to be a decidedly *wrong* -- not just poor, but *wrong* -- word to describe Ratzinger, Scola, Ouellet et al., considering that in the US their fellow "Communioites" (e.g. David Schindler) have engaged the "real" neoconservatives (e.g. Novak, Neuhaus, Weigel) in vigorous debate over the nature of "public Catholicism".

Fr. D.L. Jones said...


Refer to my April 5th post entitled Slave Wages Condemned by Pope John Paul II. I address this point specifically. In short, I agree with you.

I also refer you to the Communio articles that I listed in another post related to this topic. I have to say that the Ratzinger Fan Club sub-page that follows this debate is not balanced - it favors Novak & Party. But in fairness, a lot of stuff that Schindler & party have written is not on the net.

This topic is very near and dear to my heart. I consider myself in the "Cultural Radical" camp, but value & listen to a lot of what the "Theocons" say as well. In future posts, I will really dive into this debate. It's good stuff, i.e. nature & grace, etc.

Unknown said...

David, I should have made clear that my criticism was directed at Magister, not you... I was able to tell from the get-go that you were in the better camp ;-)

I'll email about about another phone attempt...

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Yes, Chris, I understand. I went back to my grad notes with Dr. Lowery and I realized that I made a mistake. I shall correct it in my original post that I referred to above and then I will make a new post on this topic as well.