Monday, April 11, 2005

We must hold fire over calls for canonisation

Here's an interesting article from the Scottish news (Scotland the country). It goes against the grain of the common sentimentality surrounding the death of JPII, but it's right on mark. His witness demands our response.

I feel that it is not John Paul II who is unworthy to be called a saint, but we who are unworthy to demand it. At this moment, days after his funeral, it is hard to resist indulging in emotions that are edged with the hysterical rather than the sacramental. Calling for him to be labeled "the great" or "Saint John Paul" may just be a way of fooling ourselves into believing that we are better than we are. Our cries may be moving, but they are also suspect...


Fred said...

When I read this article, I recognized a corrective for my own life.

Jack at Integrity has also been an inspiration for me during this time, keeping his blog focused on prayer and study during this time:

Fr. D.L. Jones said...


Thanks for all of your help with everything. For your information - I added Integrity to my blog list.