Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Conservative War Bloggers Are After the Popes Again

From TCRnews Musings

...by pretending to only attack TCR. They suggest, absurdly, that we don't know the difference between dogma and the prudential judgements of the Popes. How foolish and yet how predictable for these!

The point is we at TCR prefer the prudential judgements of the Popes who are steeped in 2,000 years of Catholic principles, and Gospel mercy, over the prudential judgements of these fellows. They prefer the powerful George W., Karl Rove and Michael Novak, George Weigel and John Neuhaus---the cozy theologians---to John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

This we consider sad. Because while they congratulate each other on smashing peacemakers it means death for those who must endure war, blood and bone, broken bodies, mental breakdowns, absolutely terrified children and all the hell that war heaps on a people, old and young. These bloggers---many of whom are glued at their typewriters and do not even hold real jobs---seem not to care about real human beings dying, bleeding, blown away... They prefer to pontificate above their competence and side with the powerful. . But Truth and mercy are more important than pleasing such, even if the bloggers, who daily traffic in inconsequential debate, don't care ---like the Popes do--- about the victims of the money imperialists who proclaim a "freedom" which at the end of the day means war for oil, exporting pornosophic license, and more money, money, money, money. That should make it hard for these bloggers to sleep at night. But when one prefers argument to the cries of the suffering, ego and argument to peacemaking, one sleeps in indifference.

No, we'll take the prudential judgements of the popes over these guys any day, for the prudential judgements of the Popes are intimately related to the dogmas of the Church and are expounded in the light of them, with mercy, not war, topping it off at all costs.


Fr. D.L. Jones said...

One should pray for all parties involved in any conflict or war. I would ask that you especially pray for the soldiers and their families. We need well-formed soldiers who make the right judgments in very difficult situations.

Christopher Blosser said...

As one of the warblogging supporters of "money imperialism" who is coldly indifferent to the plight of Iraqi children, I would urge -- out of fairness -- to read the analysis as found in the original editorial, consider what was said, and judge for yourself whether the concerns of the critics was warranted regarding Stephen's treatment of people like George Weigel, Michael Novak, Avery Dulles, Fr. Pavone, Karl Keating, et al.

You can find a roundup of relevant links here.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Thanks for this link Chris.