Monday, May 09, 2005

Cube vs. Cathedral

The Lost Match of the Church of France by Sandro Magister

Secular culture is largely winning, and sociologist Danièle Hervieu-Léger announces the end of French Catholicism. But the Church bears part of the blame. Gianni Ambrosio explains why...


Perun said...

Here are some articles I think you'd be interested in reading. One concerning the rise of Traditional Catholicism in France

And another about French catholicism in general

The second article declares:
"Whatever the socio-political influences may be, there is evidence that faith is making a comeback among ordinary French Catholics... All across France, convent and abbey guest quarters are finding more religious pilgrims at their door. Increasingly, families combine reunions and celebrations with retreats at a nearby religious house. And while France is still in grave danger of losing her soul to secularism, there are genuine signs of hope."


Fr. D.L. Jones said...


Christ is Risen! Thanks for your comments. I and my family are also Eastern Catholic, specifically Melkite. I checked out your blog and added it to my blog list. I would appreciate it if you added my blog to to list as well. Drop me an email so we can chat.

Perun said...

I most certainly will add your blog to my links and will e-mail you as soon as possible. Since Im busy with work and studies, it may take a while.

Glory to Christ Our Lord!

Fred said...

Maurice Barres used to worry
about the preservation of
French Cathedrals,
but Charles Peguy thought
that the faith that builds Cathedrals
is after all the thing that matters.
Moscow had a thousand churches
and people lost the faith.
Churches ought to be built
with donated money, donated
material, donated labor.
from "Building Churches," and Easy Essay by Peter Maurin

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

The Acton Institute has a new article out related to this topic - Old Europe’s New Despotism by Samuel Gregg, D.Phil.