Friday, May 13, 2005

M1 Abrams Leveda is the new Prefect of CDF!

Archbishop William Levada of San Francisco has been named by Pope Benedict XVI to become the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. For more information on why he should be called "M1 Abrams", refer to an earlier post of mine - "an American as Prefect of CDF?" I see that Fr. Reese S.J. (formerly of America) has already gone underneath the tank tracks... Fr. McBrien, watch out!

John L. Allen Jr. speaks about this and much more in his newest article.


Michael Maedoc said...

What does anyone know about Levada, the liturgical traditonalists can't stand him.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Most "liturgical traditionalists" either formally reject or at least question the validity of the Novos Ordo so does their opinions really matter? Most are very much like Protestants will it comes to liturgical matters (in lieu of the Bible) b/c they think they know better than the Holy Mother Church. Let us trust in the judgment of B16 and the working of the Holy Spirit.

The John Allen article in the main post does a good job in giving his background and qualifications (academic, pastorally, etc.) for the job. He was the only American on the drafting committee for the new CCC, which is significant considering some of the great theological minds here in America, i.e. Cards. George, Dulles, etc. Obviously he has the trust of B16 and that is what matters.

I talked with a close friend today who has known him for decades and he states he's a good man. Let us pray for him and the Holy Mother Church.

Michael Maedoc said...

Of course their opinion matters. When it comes to liturgy they often have very reasonable concerns, and some unreasonable, and often are very suspicious of people that might compromise on life issues and marriage. Compromise happens to often due to pressure from others, ex. the original CL statement on the elections.
I trust there is some reak wisdom in the decisions of Pope Benedict. But, lets not dismiss the concerns of traditionalists.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Define who you mean by the "liturgical traditionalists." Society of Pius X are "liturgical traditionalists" and they not only reject the Novos Ordo, but the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, especially that of religious freedom. The liturgical traditionalists are living in a dream world if they think the Tridentine rite will become the norm.

If a person is openly and explicitly schismatic (not accepting of Church teaching on liturgical matters, etc.) than there is not much B16 or Levada can do. Ultimately it's a question of authority.

Some of the best work in this area is done by Denis Crouan STD. He has written several books of greath worth, i.e. The History and the Future of the Roman Liturgy.

Anonymous said...


There are lots of "liturgical traditionalists", as you call them, within groups like Una Voce and FSSP, who are not schismatic, and who have opinions that ought to be heard. Also, you should note that Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Walker Percy, Eugene Waugh, and Tony Hendra, all preferred the Tridentine rite.

Anonymous said...

eek, I meant "Evelyn Waugh". Eugene is somebody else

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

I don't think the "liturgical traditionalists" have anything to worry about with B16 and that's who really matters.

As an Eastern Catholic, I share their concerns for the liturgy. It is a big reason why I chose to be "Eastern" vs. being "Roman." We in the East do not have these problems. In fact, I have known many, many Roman Catholic who left Catholicism for Eastern Orthodoxy because of the games being played with the liturgy (right or wrong) among other things.