Thursday, May 12, 2005

Pope Reportedly Wants to Share Power

AP interviews Dominican Rev. Augustine Di Noia, undersecretary in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Ratzinger-Kasper Debate raises its head... Here is an older post on this topic - "Three cardinals emphasize collegiality by John Allen Jr." In essence, this debate has been going on since the Second Vatican Council.


Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed, BenXVI might want to "share power" (a phrase never directly attributed to Fr. DiNoia in the linked article), but as primus inter pares; and national conferences of bishops, as we have read in Ratzinger's writings, are non-scriptural, non-traditional abominations that have more to do with Weberian rationalization of social processes than with the Gospel. BenXVI wants to be the first among equals in confirming the faithful in the FAITH--not in their OPINIONS about the faith.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Time will be the judge in these matters. If I was a betting man, I suspect the "progressives" will not be happy either.