Monday, June 13, 2005

Christianity is an encounter with a presence

Christianity is presence, the here and now of the Lord, who drives us into the here and now of the faith and the life of the faith. In this way the true alternative becomes clear: Christianity is not theory, or moralism, or ritualism, but rather a happening, an encounter with a presence, with a God who has entered into history and will continue to enter into it.

Joseph Ratzinger, Un Avvenimento di vita, cioe una Storia (Introduction), Rome: Il Sabato, 1993.


Fred said...

Ok. Where are you getting your translations?

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

The answer to your question is that the translations come from a variety of sources (i.e. books). In the example of this post, the primary source is listed, but the secondary source is In the Vineyard of the Lord, pg. 46.