Thursday, July 07, 2005

Crisis of Cultures

The true contrariety that characterizes the world of today is not among diverse religious cultures, but rather between the radical emancipation of man from God, from the roots of life, on the one hand, and the great religious cultures on the other. If a conflict of cultures occurs, it will not be through a conflict of the great religions-forever one against the others, but, ultimately always able to coexist-but rather through the conflict between this radical emancipation of man and the great historic cultures.

Pope Benedict XVI, Conference held on April 1, 2005, at the Saint Scholastica Monastery, Subiaco

1 comment:

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

This quote returns my thoughts to a First Things' article of Dr. Robert P. George, which became a book. It also reminds me of one of Dr. Peter Kreeft's books entitled Ecumenical Jihad. After 9-11 and the current events in London today, one may wonder if the West will perceive who its true enemy is. Is it someone or something outside of us or within us?