I have been discussing with many friends what I think the topic of the Pope's first encyclical will be. (The first papal encyclical lays out the vision and direction of a specific Holy Father for his pontificate.) Many potential topics come up in our discussion... Relativism, freedom, truth and tolerance, religious pluralism, ecumenism, inter-faith dialog, the universal call to holiness, an authentic Catholic culture, etc.
I personally believe his first encyclical will be one on the liturgy. The Eucharist will find its way into this encyclical even though JPII last's encyclical was on this topic. I have no insider's knowledge that this will be the topic. The reason why I believe the liturgy will be the major topic of this Pope can be seen in the following pieces by Dr. Tracey Rowland.
The Pastoral Relevance of Beauty
Benedict XVI, Thomism, and Liberal Culture (Part 2)
My new favorite topic is "communio." I agree that " The Eucharist will find its way into this encyclical even though JPII last's encyclical was on this topic." Only, I would see such a "communio" encyclical as extending the topic of the Eucharist. In other words, the crying need of the Church right now is to live what we receive in Holy Communion. We need stronger bonds of friendship among bishops, priests, laity to build up, edify, the Church. This topic has been dear to Pope Benedict's heart for many years.
I wonder if the Holy Father, if he should write an encyclical on Liturgy and the Eucharist will encourage greater use of the 'Tridentine' rite and integration with those in schism over the liturgical reforms...
I hope so!
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