Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Greatest Philosopher of the 20th Century

The greatest philosopher of the 20th Century, Mickey Mouse, with some Swiss guy by the name of Hans Urs von Balthasar. I am going to Italy, specifically La Thuile, for the week (through Labor Day Weekend) to attend the Assembly of International Responsibles for Communion and Liberation. 800+ Responsibles from over 70 countries world-wide will be there. Christ will be truly in our midst! I wanted to leave you with this picture given to me from a dear friend who in turn received it from a professor at the University of Dallas. As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." See you after Labor Day!


Unknown said...

Wasn't this Balthasar guy a priest? I can't believe he's not wearing a collar.


Fred said...

here's on the Meeting in Rimini.

Unknown said...

Thank you for reminding me about this week's column, Fred! I'd forgotten to check it out, and what a week to miss it would have been!

Anonymous said...

Is it true Ignatius will be bringing Mickey's great "Summa contra Goofy" back in print? I've heard....

Fred said...

I don't know, Justin. The one post was rather tangential, but there was an interesting article questionning a certain existential proof of God's existence of Balthasar, not unlike an approach of Fr. Giussani . . .