Saturday, October 01, 2005

Troop cuts may not happen in spring

By Robert Burns

"In a world where evil is still very real, democratic principles must be backed with power in all its forms," [Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice said. "Any champion of democracy who promotes principle without power can make no real difference..."


Anonymous said...


Thank you for posting this piece. It is interesting because it supports the analysis of J. P Hubert at TCR concerning the ideology of the neo-conservatives that you linked to last week.

Moreover, here is an explicit statement of Augustine's city of man, based in the conviction that "violence is real" and must be controlled by coercive violence. For Augustine, however, of course, violence is not real, but a lack of peace. The Triune God who is Harmony, who is Peace, who is Difference brought Order, is the Real.

Here is the tragedy, not of the US, but of a type of Christianity (for Rice is a professing believer, I believe) that has lost its ties to its roots, and been taken over by a completely pagan ontology. This is why Ressourcement, catholicity, is so important for us to embrace together.

John Wright


Anonymous said...

Empty Platitudes, Mr Wright. It is entirely Catholic, and entirely Christ Like to help your neighbor. The Iraqis who were persecuted under the Baathist regime, who were tortured and raped daily for years are no different than the people in your own neighborhood. You have a Catholic duty to help them, and not doing so, is both unCatholic, but cowardly.

Yes, we should have helped the poor folks in Ruwanda, and we should help the folks being killed by Mugabe. God gave us this wealth and intellect to help all of his human beings, not just the ones in our own country.

Unknown said...

I think the context is important to General Casey's statement; when I read the transcript of the briefing, it sounded much different than the news articles about it.