Friday, November 25, 2005

Archbishop Foley's Thanksgiving Day Homily

ZENIT - "A Place of Promise and Hope"

1 comment:

Christopher Blosser said...

Archbishop Foley talks of the Vietnamese Catholic communities. In my hometown of Hickory, NC, we have a very large Catholic Hmong community that immigrated and settled in North Carolina.

From what I've read my county is the most ethnically diverse in the United States, with more than 150 languages spoken -- attending Mass in NYC, I experience the meaning of "Catholic" in a way I hadn't imagined.

November 13 was the international day of prayer for the persecuted church. Even while we discuss the relative problems of "church and state" and the crisis of liberalism on our respective blogs, we shouldn't forget what a true blessing we have as Americans, in the very freedom we possess to celebrate our faith.