Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rene Latourelle S.J.

His Christ and the Church is a classic of ecclesiology. His 3-volume Vatican II: Assessment and Perspectives: Twenty-Five Years After (1962-1987) is a gold-mine.


Unknown said...

Don't forget his work on Revelation! It was instrumental in my STL tesina.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Yes of course, how could I forget it!

Eric Lee said...

I'm ignorant! What is an "STL tesina"?

Please engage in a spiritual work of mercy and instruct the ignorant! :)



Fr. D.L. Jones said...

STL is a LICENTIATE IN SACRED THEOLOGY DEGREE. They are awarded by Pontifical Universities. An STL is more or less the equivalent of a Ph.D. in the U.S. Normally it requires a Masters before even beginning the program. If not, they require you to earn a STB and then move onto the STL. STD is the highest degree awarded, which is the equivalent of a double doctrate. Chris Burgwald, who is a regular contributor on this blog, holds a STD from the Angelicum in Rome.

Eric Lee said...

Wow, thanks for the info. Consider me impressed!



Anonymous said...

Hilarious! No, an STL is not the equivalent of any doctorate. The STD is the terminal ecclesiastical degree, and you'll be lucky if it's accepted as the equivalent of a North American or European PhD. As the holder of an STL, I can assure you it is nothing to be impressed by.

H.G.M., OP, STL (!)