Monday, February 27, 2006

Does anyone care about poetry anymore?

Ignatius Insight Scoop


Fred said...

from Peter Maurin's easy essay "Building Churches":
"Maurice Barres used to worry
about the preservation of
French Cathedrals,
but Charles Peguy thought
that the faith that builds Cathedrals
is after all the thing that matters.
Moscow had a thousand churhes
and people lost the faith."

To apply what Maurin wrote here to poetry . . . if I cultivate tenderness toward my destiny, then I'll find the reflections of poets (and others) more valuable.

Anonymous said...

right on, fred! you've said something i didn't know i wanted to hear. Hits the spot. And may also tell us something about our own souls, when our suburban churches are so hideous...

Fred said...

Good to hear from you. I hope that you are doing well, Santi.