Monday, February 13, 2006

Play The Dick Cheney Quail Hunting Game...


Anonymous said...

RUSH: Uh-huh. Yeah. (Laughing.) All right. Well, look, Keith, I gotta run, but I appreciate the call. Oh, one other question. When you got shot, did anybody in your group of hunters call the media?

CALLER: No. It was my brother-in-law that shot me, and he just laughed and said, "Suck it up."

RUSH: Okay. Thanks a lot for that professional input.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

John Kerry the Sportsmen Extraordinaire

Anonymous said...

It really says something about a man that he considers killing recreational. It takes training and a well developed psychopathology to derive enjoyment from hunting, bull fighting and the like. But with Dick Cheney we have more than just your basic weekend blood-luster. The graves of going on three thousand Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis will testify to that. No, in Dick Cheney we have draft evading, lying, twenty-four hour a day blood-luster.

There's now new evidence that Cheney authorized Scooter Libby to leak the name of CIA agent, Valerie Plame to the newspapers just prior to the beginning of the Iraq agression. If proven, that fact alone ought to be enough to get this excuse for a human being impeached. It just can't happen soon enough.

John Lowell

Anonymous said...

This is really in poor taste. Typical of liberals though, to find in an accident. Did it ever occur to you, David, that Mr Cheney feels terrible about the accident? It was one of his good friends, after all.

No, of course not, lets look for more meaning in this, than a simple hunting accident.


Anonymous said...

It is now reported that Cheney's pathology has resulted in his victim's having a heart attack. While now out of danger, there's bird shot permanently lodged in the man heart! I mean it's not that I feel personally diminished by Cheney's having maimed him, the birds the two of them were destroying in so manly a way were adding much, much more to my life then either of them, actually. It's just that it's really very hard to locate the Savior in people like Cheney and his rich pal. But I do think you'd be able to find Him quite easily in the quail they murdered.

Think God might have more to say about Cheney's blood-lust on the Last Day? I do.

John Lowell

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Anyone who has hunting experience (and Cheney has a lot) finds his actions unacceptable, not to mention, the scandal in when and how this story was released to the media. Let us pray this poor man doesn't die considering current events, which are directly a result of Cheney's actions.

Anonymous said...

In a statement to Fox News this afternoon, Dick Cheney, describing the accident that occured during his killing session last Saturday's said, "It was, I’d have to say, one of the worst days of my life". One wonders what kind of a day was had by the innocent birds he so callously set-out to kill and succeeded in murdering.

Cheney is now beginning to reap some of the consequences that were always implicit in a path as violent and destructive as the one he consciously chose to take last Saturday. I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever either for him or for his fundraiser pal.

John Lowell

Anonymous said...


I don't know what parallel univere you reside, but hunting quail is not murder, not by any Catholic definition, nor stretch of the imagination.

Wishing ill will, and wallowing in this schadenfraude at a simple accident is mind boggling. This was an accident, and is in no way a sign of any malice Mr Cheney has toward his friend.

The real story here is, how people like Mr. Lowell obsess over and act with glee at the pain and suffering of people enjoying life, which sometimes produce accidents. Very sad commentary on the Catholicism of some so called Catholics.


Anonymous said...

Hello Matt,

It certainly sounds as though I've reached you, Matt. Good, maybe there'll be profit in it for you.

Just so you're clear, wanton killing of animals is not countenanced by our faith, Matt, don't even imagine that it is. If you want chapter and verse on that one I'd be pleased to give it to you. And as to your accusation of schadenfraude, look elsewhere, kindly. I'm pleased to
plead guilty to the charges of anger and a complete lack of sympathy, yes indeed, but not to schadenfraude.

Here is a man, Cheney, that has been instrumental in drawing our country via outright lies and distortions of fact into a pattern of violence hardly imaginable. Nothing could be more clear about it than the offense he has given to our Catholic faith
in doing so. And it's not enough that Cheney's pathology stop at politics, it seeps like putrescent sewage into his personal life as well as we all can so readily see.

St. Augustine gives a report of the kind of sickness of soul at work here. He reports of a young girl taken to the Colliseum to witness the blood sport there and how, at first, she was horrified by it. With repeated exposure she became innured, in the end cheering with the crowd as the innocents in the arena were dispatched. Have you become similarly innured, Matt? If so perhaps you'd want to come over and join me in my universe, we've got the Lord over here and He just hates gratuitous violence.

John Lowell

Anonymous said...

And now comes Harry Whittington, apologizing to Dick Cheney for the ordeal Cheney's been put through! Perhaps bird shot leaves more subtle damage than anyone might suspect. My message to Harry: If anybody tells you that you look good, start swinging.

John Lowell