Monday, February 13, 2006

Robert B. Reich

Bad Planning


Christopher Blosser said...


I have to say I'm impressed by your ability to post articles which condemn capitalism as "inherently immoral", the destroyer of the soul, etc.; to vehemently criticize the works of Michael Novak and Fr. Sirico as perversions of the gospel, and yet to promote their books via on this website.

Whenever I see your blog literally peppered with links, there is a certain irony in the fact that you are hoping to turn your readers into paying customers of a huge corporation like and, as an affiliate, in turn benefit financially from commissions on the sales.

Pray tell, how do you reconcile the two? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Amazon gives thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood, and other organizations that promote sinful things contrary to Catholicism. Yet, I am sure the moderator will rationalize the fact that Amazon is helping him pay for the cost of this blog......


Capitalism allowed me to work out of poverty, have a large family, pay for my childrens Catholic education, etc etc amen.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

I refer you to comments on a previous post.

Anonymous said...

"Capitalism allowed me to work out of poverty, have a large family, pay for my childrens Catholic education, etc etc amen."

Wrong, Matt. God allowed you to work out of poverty, have a large family, pay for your children's Catholic education, etc etc amen.
And he just might take it away if He wishes.

John Lowell

Anonymous said...

David Jones, you evaded the questions in that post, so I respectfully request you answer Christopher directly right here.

Matt, I hear ya.

Anonymous said...

Okay John, then God gave us the gift of Capitalism.

thanks for the clarification.


Christopher Blosser said...

David, I read the prior conversation with Santiago and company, and I have to say it does nothing to resolve what I think is the double irony of a) actively participating in the very system that you have vehemently condemned as corrupting to the soul; b) recommending (so that you can make a profit) books by authors you otherwise criticize as "neoconservatives").

It's just kind of amusing to come across a post of yours proclaiming Amintore Fanfani as "an antidote to Michael Novak" . . . and then to find Michael Novak's books offered elswhere for sale on your blog. =)

(Full disclosure, I too am an affiliate, and proceeds from the sale of books on "The Church & The Liberal Tradition" maintain hosting costs of the website).

Fr. D.L. Jones said...


Why don't you call me, my number is toll-free. I'll answer your question directly when you do so.

Anonymous said...

It's Christopher's question that I am referring to! See above.

Christopher Blosser said...

Note that I'm not disputing that capitalism as a system contain inherent faults (it does) or that Novak, Neuhaus and Weigel are immune from criticism (they aren't) -- but before condemning capitalism as a system wholly antithetical to Christianity I think it's prudent to examine one's own participation in it.

It's not unlike a Luddite using the internet as a vehicle for distributing his philosophy. =)

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

S. - I'm still waiting on your call.

Christopher - Thank you for the "Full disclosure" considering you and S-man above taught me everything I know about blogging.

Let's just say one must "experience" capitalism to fully appreciate it therefore feel free to purchase as many books off this site as possible. It's an act of charity to do so plus it literally "educates" me to the monetary value of capitalism. My wife thanks you in advance of any purchase that you will make off of my site :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

I don't think that one can go quite as far as saying that capitalism is a gift of God. It, like any other phenomenon of history, is most decidedly ambivalent. God's gifts, as I'm sure you know, are distinctly beneficial, hardly ambivalent. Capitalism, therefore, has value only to the extent that it permits authentic expression of the claims of Christ in the world. To the extent that it hinders them, it is a cypher.


John Lowell

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

No Matt, Protestants gave us Capitalism and it's no gift. I say let's return it to the sender.

Anonymous said...

Okay David, if Capitalism is no gift, stop participating in the profits and marketing schemes of Amazon.


Fr. D.L. Jones said...


I seriously doubt you have bought any books through my website, but if you have, I thank you. I respect your freedom, everyone's freedom for that matter. Listen, I love reading. I think this is obvious. I have thousands of books and it drives my wife mad. It's part of my nature to recommend books to my friends. To my knowledge, Amazon is the only one who builds a link to a specific book and allows you to preview it prior to purchase. Many of the books that I'm recommending are not often found in local bookstores, at least this is my experience. Therefore the preview option is essential to really get a feel for the book if you can't put it in your hands to judge. I don't care if you actually buy the book from Amazon, I just want you to be able to see it. If you can find a book at a lower price (new or used), buy it. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

The best way to get books is not to buy them at all, but to borrow them from a friend and keep them.

Anonymous said...


Theft as the prefered method for building a library, Desdemona? Remarkable. :-)

John Lowell

Christopher Blosser said...

Therefore the preview option is essential to really get a feel for the book if you can't put it in your hands to judge. I don't care if you actually buy the book from Amazon, I just want you to be able to see it.

Insofar as 1) it is possible to directly link to a specific item on without joining their Affiliate program, and 2) David Jones rejects capitalism as a Protestant system ('let us return to sender'), I hereby recommend David forego his affiliation in said Affiliate Program lest he compromise his morals. =)