I am deeply moved by this simple and mysterious encounter. In the midst of an unbelieving, doubting, pragmatic, and cynical world, two women meet each other and affirm in each other the promise given to them. The humanly impossible has happened to them. God has came to them to begin the salvation promised through the ages. Through these two women God has decided to change the course of history. Who could ever understand? Who could ever believe it? Who could ever let it happen? But Mary says, 'Let it happen to me,' and she immediately realizes that only Elizabeth will be able to affirm her 'yes.' For three months Mary and Elizabeth live together and encourage each other to truly accept the motherhood given to them. Mary's presence makes Elizabeth more fully aware of becoming the mother of the 'prophet of the Most High' (Luke 1:76), and Elizabeth's presence allows Mary to grow in the knowledge of becoming the mother of the 'son of the Most High' (Luke 1:32).
Neither Mary nor Elizabeth had to wait in isolation. They could wait together and thus deepen in each other their faith in God, for whom nothing is impossible. Thus, God's most radical intervention into history was listened to and received in community.
The story of the Visitation teaches me the meaning of friendship and community. How can I ever let God's grace fully work in my life unless I live in a community of people who can affirm it, deepen it, and strengthen it? We cannot live this new life alone. God does not want to isolate us by his grace. On the contrary, he wants us to form new friendships and a new community - holy places where his grace can grow to fullness and bear fruit.
So often new life appears in the Church because of an encounter. Dorothy Day never claimed The Catholic Worker as her own invention. She always spoke of it as the fruit of her encounter with Peter Maurin. Jean Vanier never claims that he started L'Arche on his own. He always points to his encounter with Pere Thomas Philippe as the true beginning of L'Arche. In such encounters two or more people are able to affirm each other in their gifts and encourage each other to 'let it happen to them.' In this way, new hope is given to the world. - Henri Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak
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