Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Jones Roundup 7

ZENIT - Text for "Way of the Cross" at Colosseum, "Jesus Filled Death With Love!"

“Holy Week at Monreale,” the Author: Romano Guardini
An extraordinary lesson on the liturgy, drawn from life and written by the theologian who was Joseph Ratzinger’s instructor. It’s a short text translated from the original German for the first time by Sandro Magister

a new blog - Dare We Hope
A look at the question of salvation and damnation in light of the Catholic faith. The older post which began this dialog is Abandonment of a today on the blog Disputations.

Ignatius Insight Scoop - Compendium of official Catholic teaching selling briskly. Where is the MSM?


ZENIT - Conscience and Catholic Politicians, Fordham's Father Koterski Unpacks an Ongoing Debate (Part 1) & (Part 2)

Bush's October surprise - it's coming by Spengler

tNP - Theocracy as a Parlor Game by Patrick O'Hannigan

WSJ OpinionJournal - Theocon Moment, Needed: More Sam Brownbacks, fewer Pat Robertsons.

Books & Culture - American Theocrat by John Wilson

On the Square - Gospel of Judas & Father Neuhaus responds to the attacks by tNR against both himself and Pope B16

tNR - BENEDICT THE ECUMENICAL by Michael Sean Winters

PowerBlog - Catholics on Immigration

John L. Allen Jr. - Mahony on immigration

Pastoral Letter of Arizona Bishops on Migration Crisis


Dappled Things - Lent/Easter 2006

tNP - On Beginning in Gladness by James V. Schall, S. J.

National Catholic Register - Catholic Literary Revival? Novelists mixing faith and fiction by TIM DRAKE

Idylls Press' other store (click on a picture!)

Catholic Fiction dot net


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