Saturday, July 08, 2006

Approaching American Protestantism

Giussani’s book contains judgments about American Protestantism that are still valid today, more than thirty years after the first edition was written. An “informational” book, it starts from the Puritan origins and goes up to the 1960s

The Weekly Standard
Present at the Creation - Jonathan Edwards, the first American by Gerald McDermott

Calvin (as well as Kuyper & Edwards) drew two important political implications from the doctrine of total depravity, namely, that humans need restraint in order to survive and they need guidance in order to flourish...


Fred said...

The Thinker of Puritan New England

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

reformed literature

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

The Spirit of Protestantism by Robert McAfee Brown

The Riddle of Roman Catholicism by Jaroslav Pelikan

Fred said...

Reinhold Niebuhr and the political realism of Saint Augustine

Luigi Giussani wrote in American Protestant Theology: "In Niebuhr the main accents of American Protestant theological discourse emerge in a very novel and balanced synthesis. Significantly he is the demystifier of the idea of America as the place making manifest the Kingdom of God, which in various inflexions and various tones had conditioned the spirit of all American history"