Thursday, October 05, 2006

the importance of Pope B16’s lecture on reason

Communion and Liberation Weekly Bulletin
New York, October 5, 2006

In order to understand the great importance of Pope Benedict XVI’s lecture on reason at the University of Regensburg, it will be helpful to recognize that Fr. Giussani’s use of the Biblical term of “heart” is inseparable from the Pope’s teaching about reason as the key to our humanity. “Logos”, the Pope explains, is both rationality and word. The “Logos” or rationality in reality strikes us calling for a response, like a word addressed to us. The “heart” hears the word and responds by verifying its correspondence to the desires and needs that constitute it. This act of judgment is an exercise of reason. This method of verifying, of engaging reality is the key to education of reason. Having this in mind helps us avoid a sentimental view of “heart” and a rationalistic view of “reason”. “Experience” is the link between “heart” and “reason”.

1 comment:

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Sacred Scripture describes the person as united in the heart, which is the center of one's being. (Ps. 86:12)