Friday, May 18, 2007

recent Insight features

• From Protestantism to Catholicism: Six Journeys to Rome
Various Authors Excerpts from six books explaining why Protestant pastors, theologians, and authors--including Rev. Louis Bouyer, Alex Jones, Thomas Howard, Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Steve and Janet Ray, and David Currie--became Catholic.

• Thomism is Alive Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J. Pope Leo recommends Thomistic and scholastic philosophy because it introduces the student to that which is, to objective reality, to the one, the true and the good.

• Why Catholicism Makes Protestantism Tick Mark Brumley Interpreting the Reformation is complicated business. But like many complicated things, it can be simplified sufficiently well that even non-experts can get the gist of it.

• Converts, Reverts, and Authority Carl E. Olson The return of Dr. Francis Beckwith, now the former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, to the Catholic Church, has, understandably, created a bit of a furor among some Evangelicals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading Kenny Baker was sad. Garrigou-Lagrange is the epitome of what put "Thomism" on life-support. Gilson spent his life fighting this. Some people never learn....