Sunday, May 13, 2007

Steve Kellmeyer on Islam

Speaker Bio

Free MP3: Islam
Learn why Pope Benedict's speech at Regensburg prompted so much outrage. Discover why Catholics should not be ashamed of the Crusades.Find out what Islam has in common with Judaism and Protestantism.These and many more issues are discussed in this 90 minute talk on Islam.Talk includes an extensive Q&A.

Catholic Perspectives on Islam
This free 2-hour MP3 download discusses the correspondances and differences between Muslim, Jewish, Protestant and Catholic theology.
The real history of the Crusades
The real origin of Mohammed's inspirations
How the Koran differs from the Bible
Why even Muslims insist some verses in the Koran should be ignored
How Muslim sharia law parallels ancient Jewish law
The role of suicide terrorists in US and Islamic society,
and much, much more

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