Saturday, July 05, 2008

Catholics and US 2008 Election

a Yahoo Group

Catholic vote -- Catholic vote -- Catholic vote

This group is for committed Catholics who do not have any problems with Church teaching and dogma but are somewhat dismayed and or confused as to their belonging to either of the two major political parties in America. Does a Catholic belong in the Democratic or the Republican party? Have Catholics become a one issue - litmus test - type of voters? Would it be useful for Catholics to look at the bigger pro all life picture? Are you interested in commenting together the issues and talk about the candidates of the 2008 presidential election?

We are interested in arriving at a mature, loving, Christian judgment together or at least to bring an open mind to look at the issues from the perspective of our contributors.

This group welcomes friends of all the movements, spiritualities, and charisms of the Church that are in good standing with our Pope Benedict XVI including (Communion and Liberation, Cursillo, Focolare, the Neocatechumenate Way, Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, etc.)

This group is under the patronage of St. Augustine of Hippo who in his search for the truth and a deeper love of Christ gave human kind a treasure chest full of knowledge and wisdom.

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