Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Apostle Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas

One of the best kept secrets of the Catholic Church is how profoundly Pauline she is. Do a bit of research and you'll discover the deep Pauline vision that informs teaching on ecclesiology, marriage, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and so much more. The Church does not reduce the Gospel to a few passages of Paul's letters, but listens to St. Paul in concert with the entire canon of Scriptures and with the experience of the Church over time.

A new resource has opened up for those interested in verifying the Church's claim to preach the same Jesus Christ whom Paul preached:
"The Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal of Ave Maria University has made available a number of Aquinas's commentaries on the epistles of St. Paul, putting them online. In particular, his commentary on Romans contains one of his most important discussions on the matter of predestination." 

Hat tip to Matthew of Nel Mezzo del Cammin di Nostra Vita, who begins his investigation with Aquinas's commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Here's the list so far:

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