Monday, June 01, 2009

Different Methods

Many things the Catholic Church proposes are challenging to understand. There are several ways of communicating these things to the world.
  1. A massive effort of translation, in which various things that the Church teaches are expressed to those who are unfamiliar with the Church. In this way, various human values which the Church has discovered may become available to those who lack the Christian experience of faith.
  2. to proclaim 'come and see' so that those outside the Church may come to an experience of Christ present. Along this path, the Christian values form a kind of secondary effect.


Anonymous said...

This is really helpful - are there further methods?

E.g. Christian art and music?

Fred said...

Great question, which opens a passage through the impasse which I've suggested here...

yes, culture including art and music is the expression of the Christian experience which is accessible to the world - but also goes beyond the mere transmission of values/ideas. Art and music evoke the beauty of Christ and beckon the non-Christian to discover the origin of this beauty.