Friday, March 19, 2010

(Near) Local Geography & History

I posted this over at Deep Furrows, but I decided to bring it over here also to go alongside Caleb's article. Note that I don't live in Chase County but I live in the "spoiled brat" county (Heat-Moon cites this phrase from a Johnson Countian) of Johnson County, Kansas. And I'm really a transplant from adjacent Jackson County, Missouri. Here's a couple of quotes from books I'm reading.

"The prairie is not a topography that shows its all but rather a vastly exposed place of concealment, like the geodes so abundant in the county, where the splendid lies within the plain cover. At last I realized that I was not a man of the sea or coasts or mountains but a fellow of the grasslands. Once I understood that, I began to find all sorts of reasons why..."(PrairyErth by William Least Heat-Moon, 28).
"During the Introit the action begins to mount rather like a path that, having crossed flatlands, suddenly begins to climb. It is the beginning, the introduction. Often the Introit is seems like the sudden shining forth of God. Hitherto the Church has been striving toward God, but he now unveils himself and beams down upon his Church. On feasts of the Lord it is God's revelation itself that is unveiled. On feasts of the apostles and the Blessed Mother this revelation appears under the sign of the participation of the person specially chosen. On feasts of later saints the Introit serves to illuminate history with their vitality: each saint seems to play an especially prominent part in God's total plan of salvation. The saints are signs and milestones, foreseen in the Word of God from the outset" (The Holy Mass by Adrienne von Speyr, 24).
Intelligence: seeing through the ordinary details to a deeper, more intimate, knowledge of reality.

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