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Krauthammer: Romney Weak, Santorum In "A Place To Make A Run"
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The New Republic - Why Santorum’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon
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TRENDING: Santorum raises $1 million in past 24 hours; website sees boost after wins
New day, new Romney vs. Santorum round
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The Weekly Standard - Santorum Won All 114 Counties in Missouri
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I see nobody comments on your having turned this once interesting site into Santorum-land. Will you please write out an apologia - or link to where you already have - as to how you have abandoned your genuine intellectual independence as a Catholic thinker, and fallen for this [fill in the expletive]?
I'm sure that the late Father Neuhaus of uhappy memory is looking up from purgatory and (smiling?)at seeing you have sold out to what you were once perceptive enough to criticize.
Christ is in our midst!
I suspect you are referring to Santorum being a Neocon. Would that be correct?
My views on foreign policy/international relations have not changed. I follow what is called a realist foreign policy school of thought, that of Scowcraft, Baker, etc. If you go back not too far into the archives of my blog you will see several posts on Jon Huntsman. Why? B/c he comes out of that camp, but he has dropped out of the race.
I support Santorum now and make no apologies for doing so. Even from a realist perspective, Iran is a big problem for example.
I also recognize that foreign policy is a prudential matter, and I always have. Good Catholics can disagree about it.
After that, any further comment on my part would be superfluous, except to say:
a) Since Messrs. Baker/Scowcroft, Bush the Elder, etc., and their psuedo-worldly foreign policy hurtled us toward the mess we are in, I suggest you give a much harder "think" to that prudential matter.
b) It is "Santorum in our midst" I'm concerned with.
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