Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Test of Fire: Election 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And does this mean I should be excited about voting for a Mormon with a pro-abortion record, a man who embodies the gross usury that confines the souls of mankind to the basest forms of envy, whose defense of his own cultic beliefs (let alone our Credo) is tepid at best? We Catholics have terrible options, and we need to be honest about them. Please do not be deluded or seduced into thinking that either of the horns of Mammon is a worthy choice for the Faithful. This is not a momentous choice between good and evil, but a ridiculous choice between evil and evil. The Bride of Christ has been awakened to the many horrors of the Obama administration, and desperately wishes to wage spiritual combat. But let us never forget that the powers of this world are many, and that the Enemy takes obscene pleasure in presenting us with false choices.