Monday, September 24, 2012

Secularism and its consequences

The Church and Secularism - part 1 - Peter Kreeft

I'd like to address the problem of the decline of Western Civilization in terms of symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription.

The Church and Secularism - part 2 - Peter Kreeft

All right. The symptoms are obvious. We know the symptoms. The diagnosis is the most important point.

The Church and Secularism - part 3 - Peter Kreeft

The ultimate reason for faith, the ultimate reason for believing in God, is that the only honest reason why anybody ever ought to believe in anything is because it's true.

The Church and Secularism - part 4 - Peter Kreeft

Can I get practical about the prescription? I'll give you nine pieces of practical advice for saving your soul and Western Civilization.

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