Friday, January 04, 2013

A New Grammar for the Year of Faith

A New Grammar for the Year of Faith by Robert Imbelli
It is the grammar that has in Jesus son of God and son of man its ultimate and definitive center. This "mystical" dimension of Christianity is also the heart of Vatican Council II. A theologian from New York takes part in the discussion opened by www.chiesa
This 'mystical' dimension of Christianity is also the heart of Vatican Council II... 'It is not a coincidence that in the pontificate of Benedict XVI the defense of this grammar and the proclamation of a faith purified and brought back to its spiritual foundation clearly coexist and find expression in the extraordinary homilies that precisely for this reason resemble the homilies of the Fathers of the Church.'
...Hence, in my view, the Council’s deepest 'ressourcement' was a re-Sourcement: a recovery of the Church’s and humanity’s foundational identity in Christ. This 'return to Christ' is far deeper than the social moralism of the 'progressives' or the invariant propositionalism of the 'traditionalists.' Rather, it is the invitation to enter into a life-giving and life-changing relationship with the living Lord, Jesus Christ.
In this sense the Council descends to and recovers for the Church the 'mystical' dimension of Christianity – not in some vague sense, devoid of content, but in the very concrete mysticism of personal and active participation in Christ’s Eucharistic and ecclesial body. TO READ MORE CLICK HERE.

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