Saturday, October 05, 2013

Pope Francis

Zenit - Let Him Pope You ~ What Is Our Attitude Toward the Papal Interviews? by Dr. Edward Mulholland

Standing On My Head - Don’t Be Hasty by Fr. Dwight Longenecker

The Catholic Thing - The Heart of Bergoglio by Robert Royal
To judge the Pope's interview, recognize his objective by Phil Lawler

Reading Francis: The Furor Continues by Dr. Jeff Mirus

Catholic Online - How the Church Will Change: Evangelical Catholic Pope Francis Gives Another Interview by Deacon Keith Fournier

CWR - The Pope's Chat With An Atheist ~ The recent "La Repubblica" interview with Francis touches on many topics, not always with clarity or precision by James V. Schall, S.J.

RealClearReligion - The Pope's Field Hospital by Robert Barron

Fr. Robert Barron on The Religious Sense

CL - Modern man in search of the light by Julián Carrón, 18 Sep 13

*** - INTERVIEW WITH POPE FRANCIS by Fr Antonio Spadaro, 19 Aug 13

Letter to the non-believers: Pope Francis responds to journalist Eugenio Scalfari, 11 Sep 13 

La - The Pope: how the Church will change by EUGENIO SCALFARI
Dialogue between Francis and La Repubblica's founder, Eugenio Scalfari: "Starting from the Second Vatican Council, open to modern culture". The conversation in the Vatican after the Pope's letter to La Repubblica: "Convert you? Proselytism is solemn nonsense. You have to meet people and listen to them."


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