Thursday, November 13, 2014

René Girard


Girardian Annotated Bibilography and Links Page

The Anthropology of René Girard and Traditional Doctrines of Atonement

Are the Gospels Mythical?

On War and Apocalypse

Violence and the Lamb Slain - An Interview with Rene Girard by Brian McDonald

The Scapegoat: René Girard's Anthropology of Violence and Religion

Colloquium On Violence and Religion (COVR) - Official website for exploration, criticism, and development of René Girard‘s Mimetic Theory

Raven Foundation

Raven Foundation's Teaching Nonviolent Atonement Blog

Theology and Peace

Theology and Peace Blog

Center for Christian Nonviolence

Michael Hardin
Preaching Peace

Christianity is Changing Blog

Tony Bartlett
Hope in Time (new website)

Hope in Time (old blog)


James Alison
Main Website

Jesus Forgiving the Victim


Contemplation in a world of violence: Girard, Merton, Tolle

Gil Bailie
The Cornerstone Forum is a non-profit institute concerned with today’s spiritual and moral crisis and dedicated to fostering a better understanding of the challenges that confront the Christian vocation in our time. The Forum's founder and president is Gil Bailie – a Catholic layman, author and lecturer. Mr. Bailie gives workshops, lectures and retreats, drawing on the anthropological work of René Girard, and the theology of Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, John Paul II, and others.

Reflections on Faith and Culture Blog


Ignatius Insight - A "Roamin' Catholic" and the Cultural Crisis

Communio - René Girard's Contribution to the Church of the 21st Century, Part One and Part Two

Anthropoetics: the Journal of Generative Anthropology

Chronicles of Love and Resentment

GABlog - Generative Anthropology in the Public Sphere

Abbot Andrew Marr
Imaginary Visions of True Peace - The Stories and Spiritual Teachings of a Benedictine Monk

Biblical Peacemaking

Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary: Understanding the Bible Anew Through the Mimetic Theory of René Girard

Michael Hardin's Lectionaries Commentary

The Text This Week

No Outcasts

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