Monday, May 09, 2005

a definition of Personalism

This post follows up an earlier post below entitled "Ressourcement and Personalism" . The following definition comes from Mounier & Maritain: A French Catholic Understanding of the Modern World.

In its broadest sense, Personalism is a diverse intellectual movement of the twentieth century. In part, it belongs to no one school; and in part it belongs to everyone who believes man is a personal and communal being who is mortally endangered by his own political, social, economic, and ideological creations. Anyone, in fact, who in the name of man's worth seeks simultaneously to save man from isolation and tyranny, from the furies of individualism and collectivism, can consider himself, if he wishes, a Personalist. Personalism, defined in this loose sense, includes a whole array of men and movements who, without official program, are committed to man's transcendence and are the enemies of all individuals, ideas, societies, and states that deny man the needs of his body, the dignity of his spirit, the presence and sustenance of a true human community. ...[Mounier] identified the following contemporary thinkers as creators of this tradition: Lotze, Scheler, Buber, Jaspers, Landsberg, and Berdyaev, as well as Bergson, Blondel, Laberthonniere, Peguy, and Maritain.

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