Sunday, September 16, 2007

the beauty of art, music & theater

Life is grace.

Be grateful with everything the Lord has given you. Each morning when you wake up and breath your next breath is grace. Be thankful for it and then live life to the fullness in union with Him.

Art, music, and theater are all expressions of our humanity. These give us glimpses towards Infinity. Grace is an essential component of our human nature. Grace not only perfects our nature but is somehow rooted within our origin b/c we exist. Life is grace.

Grace gives us a desire for something more, something outside of us but its also rooted deeply within us. It forces us to become beggars and one of if not the best expressions of this begging is represented in art, music & theater. An artist, musician, and actor reaches perfection when he touches the hand of the Infinite, or better yet when the hand of the Infinite comes down to him in act of intimate union. What grace! Nothing moves us like a great painting, a masterful piece of music, or a powerful play. They become not only a sign but a sacrament. Beauty is what moves us but it also saves us.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Now that you're back in the area, you really owe it to yourself to visit the Caravaggio John the Baptist at the Nelson... I've seen it my whole life, but never saw it until a few weeks ago...