Wednesday, February 15, 2006

the place of religion in America

On the Square
February 14, 2006 - Joseph Bottum

February 15, 2006 - Richard John Neuhaus


Anonymous said...


Why do we concern ourselves any further here with the opinions of a Fr. Neuhaus or a Joe Bottom? Their war mongering and corruption with Republican loyalties is certainly well enough known to us. Is there some requirement for more? Surely there's edifying material to be had elsewhere.

John Lowell

Anonymous said...

John Lowell sounds to me like he'd make a great columnist for TCRNews

Anonymous said...


Until coming to this site a week or so ago, I'd known nothing of TCR. There's is a stress, certainly, with which I could agree in large part. I'm complimented that you'd see a columnist in me, I've always considered myself rather clumsy when it comes to writing, actually. Words come only with pain, typically. But you're kind; thank you.

John Lowell