Friday, September 21, 2007

Dr. Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes announces for President!

Alan Keyes for President (Official Site)

The crisis of the republic (13 Parts)

Alan Keyes column

Renew America

Alan Keyes Archives (video, audio, transcripts, and pictures)

Speech - The Declaration of Independence and the Spirit of American Law by Alan Keyes, Thomas Aquinas College, Presidents' Day Lecture, Santa Paula, CA

Declaration Project

Declaration Foundation

Declaration Alliance

Values Voter Presidential Debate (Sept. 17, 2007)


Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Of all the candidates running for President of the U.S. the two closest to being "ressourcement" (politically not theologically) are Drs. Ron Paul and Alan Keyes. For this post I shall focus on Dr. Keyes. Here is a man who understands the principles upon which this country were founded. These principles are best described in our Declaration of Independence.

The dialog which I would like to occur is how Christian, how Catholic, is the Declaration of Independence? How much Enlightenment or Masonic thought influenced this document? Are there truths found within it and what are they?

Anonymous said...

How much Enlightenment or Masonic thought influenced this document?

David: I have preferred to come at this question from a wider angle:

Anonymous said...

I am not yet familiar with Mr. Paul, and I don't really want to vote for a Republic-an; however, if Mr. Keyes thinks as Catholicly well as does Mr. Hand, I'd vote for him. I'm glad Keyes is running again; if nothing else, we will be reminded of what this nation could still become.

Greg Stewart said...

"How much Enlightenment or Masonic thought influenced this document?"

To give a short answer, much of hwat the Declaration says is from the period of the enlightenment. Besides the ideas of democracy, the ideas freedoms and.

The specifics could be argued, but given the tone and time they were written, they were the embodiment of the age.

Greg Stewart said...

Perhaps too will this link speak to the question.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...

Stephen is a dear friend and I'm always honored to have his participation in any dialog.

Greg (Masonic Traveler) - thank you for your thoughts. As a former Master Mason myself and someone who for years was deeply involved in the Occult and New Age, I am looking forward to having a reasonable dialog with you. Your input into this conversation is essential. You will help me to remember much of what I have forgotten and learn new information as well. More to follow once I have a chance to read/listen to your links.

Fr. D.L. Jones said...


I read your post "Hermetic Tradition and America" and found it to be true and right on mark. I do not disagree with anything you wrote in this post. The links you provided in this post is fascinating as well! Thank you.

I encourage everyone to read this post, click on the hyper-links, and surf on Greg's blog(s).