Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Book: Denis Sureau Pour une nouvelle théologie politique

In English that would be: For a New Political Theology. And here are the chapter headings in English...

Book summary


Chapter I - The political theologies of the twentieth century

The Schmitt-Peterson debate

Action Française and Neo-Thomisms

From "Political Theology" to "Liberation Theology"

Henri de Lubac at the turn of contemporary theology

Chapter 2 - The Church as Communion: After Vatican II

David Schindler or how to be American, anti-liberal, and theologian of communion

Tracey Rowland or postmodern Augustinian Thomism

Aidan Nichols or the revival of Christianity

Chapter 3 - Morality: the wind rises

Alasdair MacIntyre or revolutionary Aristotelianism

Stanley Hauerwas or the Kingdom of Peace

John Porter or natural law rediscovered

Therese Lysaught or the search for a Christian bioethics

Chapter 4 - Radical Orthodoxy: the Cambridge revolution

John Milbank or beyond secular reason

Catherine Pickstock or how an Anglican theologian rethinks the truth about the Mass.

Chapter 5 - Exercises of theopolitical imagination

John Howard Yoder or the politics of Jesus

Oliver O'Donovan or the Biblical roots of politics

William Cavanaugh or Eucharistic anarchy

Emmanuel Katongole or the new African theopolitics

Stephen Long or theological critique of capitalism

Daniel Bell or to think of God in the city after the end of history

Appendix: European Cousins [?]

Chrétiens dans la Cité

1 comment:

Christopher Blosser said...

This looks fascinating - will it be published in English?