Readings » Traces Articles by Fr. Giussani, organized by publication month
TRACES Articles: 2006
- To Live Reason (January)
- Teaching: Introduction to Reality in its Totality (January)
- The Density of the Person (February)
- Making Christ Present in Our Flesh, in Our Environment, and in Every Human Reality (March)
- The Risen Christ: The Defeat of Nothingness (April)
- Mary in the Mystery of Christ and of the Church (May)
- In the Simplicity of My Heart I have Gladly Given You Everything (May)
- In the Depths of Things (June)
- From Baptism, a New Creature (June)
- In Faith, Man and People (July/August)
- For Those with Faith, No Problem (July/August)
- How We Become Christian (October)
- The Incumbency of His Coming (December)
TRACES Articles: 2005
- Faith is Given Us so that We Communicate It (January)
- What is Christianity? (February)
- True Religiosity and Power (February)
- At the Roots of a History: Sign and Mystery (March)
- Anthology: See Index (March)
- The Greatest Sacrifice is to Give Your Life for an Other's Work (April)
- "Let Us Serve Christ in this Great Man" (April)
- We have been Provoked to a Responsibility on Which Our Life Will Be Judged(April)
- The Eucharist: The Great Prayer (May)
- If God Does Exist, He Doesn't Matter (May)
- Life's Vocation (June)
- A Presence in the Environment (July/August)
- The Wonder of the Presence; The Dependent "I" (September)
- Out of Love for Being (September)
- Eucharist: A Present, Familiar Reality (October)
- The Event that is Present (November)
- Seriously Engaged in One's Own Life (November)
- Christmas: The Mystery of God's Tenderness (December)
TRACES Articles: 2004
- On the Ruins (January)
- Our Indestructible Company (January)
- Simplicity, Docile Daughter of Happiness (February)
- Climbing those Steps of the Berchet High School (February)
- The Singularity of a Presence (March)
- The Kingdom of Caesar and Action (March)
- Your Holiness (April)
- How to Reach Certainty about Christ? (April)
- The Victory is the Victory of Immortality... (May)
- God's Preferences (June)
- Why Should We Be Following Now? (July/August)
- The Road to Holiness (July/August)
- May Our Lady Force us to Make Our Existence Coincide with our Being(September)
- Religious Sense, Works, and Politics (September)
- A New Beginning that Opens Doors to the Future (October)
- To the Holy Father (October)
- God's Commitment to Man's Brutal Loneliness (November)
- That God Has Become Man is Something Out of this World, In this World(December)
TRACES Articles: 2003
- The Method of a Presence (January)
- Eius Dulcis Praesentia: Sweetness as the Ultimate Evidence of the Truth(January)
- From a Memory, a Presence: From the Memory, the Presence (February)
- Moses and the Shuttle (March)
- The Event as Prayer (March)
- History as an Educational Tool: Christ on the Cross and the Risen Christ(April)
- The Strength of God is the Joy of His People (May)
- In Mercy is the Possibility for Peace (May)
- Notes to Ignite the Soul that Opens to a Taste for the Responsibility of Living (June)
- Moved by the Infinite (July/August)
- Why do we Gather Together? To Free Ourselves from Evil. The One who Frees us is Christ (July/August)
- The Presence in History (September)
- Poor and Responsible (September)
- The Glory of God is the Living Man (September)
- Meeting 2003: Closing remarks by Fr. Giussani (September)
- Unity and Fraternity: The Synthesis of Every Day (October)
- Obedientia et Pax (November)
- Notes on School of Community: A Presence that Moves (November)
- Letter to the Holy Father (November)
- The Entreaty for the Supreme Awareness of Being that Touches the Believer(December)
- The Blow to the Heart (December)
- The Beginning of What Happened (December)
TRACES Articles: 2002
- The Work of the Movement (January)
- The Lesson of Charity (February)
- Christ, All We Have (February)
- Letter from Fr. Giussani to Pope John Paul II (March)
- A New Beginning (April)
- Experience (April)
- We Belong (May)
- Woman, Do Not Weep! (May)
- "Come!" Being is Holiness (June)
- That Foretaste of Heaven on Earth (July/August)
- Intrepid Will to Make the World More Human (July/August)
- Living Fountain (September)
- The Flesh is the Hinge of Salvation (September)
- Prayer: The Outpost of our Embattled Humanity (October)
- From Beginning to Beginning (November)
- The Luminous Mysteries (November)
- For a New Beginning (December)
- From Utopia to Presence (December)
TRACES Articles: 2001
- An Event of Freedom (January)
- Charism and History (February)
- The Merit of a Charism (March)
- The Mystery of Election (March)
- Encounter is the Substance of the Event (April)
- I am My People (May)
- The Holy Rosary (May)
- A Miracle of Unity (June)
- The Touch of God (June)
- Another Mentality (July/August)
- Notes on Memory (July/August)
- "Mercy Always Explains to Me Everything that Happens" (September)
- With the Infinite in the Heart (September)
- Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni Per Mariam (October)
- At the Origin of the Christian Claim (November)
- From My Life to Your Life (November)
- St. Stephen, or "On the Friendship of Christ" (December)
TRACES Articles: 2000
- Man Filled with Pain and Certainty (January)
- On the Way (February)
- Anniversary of the Pontifical Recognition of the Fraternity of CL Fraternity(March)
- A Presence that Moves (March)
- The Perception of Mystery in the Encounter with That Man (March)
- Unity, the Law of Knowledge (April)
- That Great Strength of the Pope on His Knees (April)
- Religious Sense, Works, and Politics (May)
- Witnessing to Christ in the Lives of Everyone (May)
- The Peruvian Road to Knowledge (June)
- A Wisdom That Springs From the First Songs (June)
- "Sent" by the Father, for the Human Glory of Jesus (July/August)
- Vacation: The Time of Freedom (July/August)
- Mobilizing the Conscience (July/August)
- A Presence, not a Discourse (September)
- Impromptu Remarks of Greeting (September)
- Belonging (October)
- Culture of Life and Culture of Death (November)
- Memor Domini (November)
- Faith is Acknowledging a Presence (December)
TRACES Articles: 1999
- We Are Jews (January)
- The Sign in the Concrete Moment of History (February)
- A New Man (March)
- The Gushing of Obedience (April)
- Fraternity Exercises, "Christ is Everything in Everyone". A Closing Wish from Fr. Giussani (May)
- All Things: Mystery and Sign (June)
- Charism and Mandate (July/August)
- Fatherhood and Belonging (October)
- Belonging is Being Generated, Being Sons (October)
- Life: God Has "Mixed In" with Us (November)
- The Jubilee and Life (December)
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